線上聖經 Online Bible 翼報 金燈臺 聖經網
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诗篇 Psalms

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 88:1〔可拉后裔的诗歌、就是以斯拉人希幔的训诲诗、交与伶长、调用麻哈拉利暗俄。〕耶和华拯救我的 神阿、我昼夜在你面前呼吁。O LORD God of my salvation, I have cried day and night before thee:
 88:2愿我的祷告达到你面前.求你侧耳听我的呼求.Let my prayer come before thee: incline thine ear unto my cry;
 88:3因为我心里满了患难、我的性命临近阴间。For my soul is full of troubles: and my life draweth nigh unto the grave.
 88:4我算和下坑的人同列、如同无力的人一样。〔无力或作没有帮助〕I am counted with them that go down into the pit: I am as a man that hath no strength:
 88:5我被丢在死人中、好像被杀的人、躺在坟墓里.他们是你不再记念的、与你隔绝了。Free among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, whom thou rememberest no more: and they are cut off from thy hand.
 88:6你把我放在极深的坑里、在黑暗地方、在深处。Thou hast laid me in the lowest pit, in darkness, in the deeps.
 88:7你的忿怒重压我身.你用一切的波浪困住我。〔细拉〕Thy wrath lieth hard upon me, and thou hast afflicted me with all thy waves. Selah.
 88:8你把我所认识的隔在远处、使我为他们所憎恶.我被拘困、不得出来。Thou hast put away mine acquaintance far from me; thou hast made me an abomination unto them: I am shut up, and I cannot come forth.
 88:9我的眼睛、因困苦而干瘪。耶和华阿、我天天求告你、向你举手。Mine eye mourneth by reason of affliction: LORD, I have called daily upon thee, I have stretched out my hands unto thee.
 88:10你岂要行奇事给死人看么.难道阴魂还能起来称赞你么.〔细拉〕Wilt thou shew wonders to the dead? shall the dead arise and praise thee? Selah.
 88:11岂能在坟墓里述说你的慈爱么.岂能在灭亡中述说你的信实么.Shall thy lovingkindness be declared in the grave? or thy faithfulness in destruction?
 88:12你的奇事、岂能在幽暗里被知道么.你的公义岂能在忘记之地被知道么。Shall thy wonders be known in the dark? and thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?
 88:13耶和华阿、我呼求你.我早晨的祷告要达到你面前。But unto thee have I cried, O LORD; and in the morning shall my prayer prevent thee.
 88:14耶和华阿、你为何丢弃我.为何掩面不顾我。LORD, why castest thou off my soul? why hidest thou thy face from me?
 88:15我自幼受苦、几乎死亡.我受你的惊恐、甚至慌张。I am afflicted and ready to die from my youth up: while I suffer thy terrors I am distracted.
 88:16你的烈怒漫过我身.你的惊吓、把我剪除。Thy fierce wrath goeth over me; thy terrors have cut me off.
 88:17这些终日如水环绕我、一齐都来围困我。They came round about me daily like water; they compassed me about together.
 88:18你把我的良朋密友隔在远处、使我所认识的人、进入黑暗里。Lover and friend hast thou put far from me, and mine acquaintance into darkness.


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